Leaded Door

Leaded Door

The door or doors of the bullet leaded; lead sheet, covered areas Taek doors are manufactured and assembled in accordance with the standards.
Outcall is made elaborately leaded doors into the door and also presses the lead into the desired ledge, soaked in cold mm to turn in to a bullet through the way we manufacture and installation is done.
By us;Lead door , Doors, Linac, X-ray room door, the cat door of the room, the USG doors are manufactured and assembled.
Doğumed Kurşun Levha ve Mamülleri

Seyhan Mahallesi 620 Sokak
No:39/A Buca /İzmir/TURKEY

+90 232 265 08 48
+90 532 061 77 06 (Gsm)
