Iodine Treatment Units Setup

Iodine Treatment Units Setup

Nuclear Medicine Services are needed to inhibit the use of radioactive materials used in patients. There are many methods in determining this. Iodine Waste Tank Standby systems are also among these governments. Liquid waste used by patients lying in Iodine Treatment Units is not directed directly to the sewerage. First, Iodine Waste Tank Systems are waited for a certain period of time under the conditions approved by TAEK. A minimum of 2 tanks must be used for a room in the treatment units, the number and size of the tanks vary according to the number of rooms. In the waste tank system, there is also a PLC monitor system which can monitor the occupancy rates of the remote tanks by means of a sensor with the help of a flood prevention system. All the patients who undergo iodine treatment in these periods where the environment and human health are more important are required to be treated by experienced experts in hospital control and the established iodine tank systems should be done by experts who are experts in nuclear medicine by professional experts in order not to affect ecology.

Installation of Iodine Treatment Unit and Tank System;
Our company is serving to its customers with its experienced and expert staff and Iodine Treatment Unit Installation, Lead Coating and Tank System. Our company provides services in project planning and planning which can be approved by TAEK standards and licensing. We are providing turnkey service according to the project.
Doğumed Kurşun Levha ve Mamülleri

Seyhan Mahallesi 620 Sokak
No:39/A Buca /İzmir/TURKEY

+90 232 265 08 48
+90 532 061 77 06 (Gsm)